Neighborhood Association Dues

  • Resident Membership $25 annually

    A Resident Member is 18 years of age or older who lives in MFCN. Each Resident Member who has paid dues, shall be eligible for one vote at association meetings.

  • Senior Citizens $10 annually

    Resident age 65 years and older, lives in MFCN. Each Resident Member who has paid dues, shall be eligible for one vote at association meetings.

  • Contributory Membership $50 annually

    Organizations, associations, foundations, partnerships, companies, or corporations who maintain an office or place of business in the MFCN area. Contributory members may vote through a single representative.

Dues help with:

  • Cost of clean-up equipment

  • Meeting costs

  • Cook-out costs

  • Funds for helping start block clubs, block parties, or gatherings for neighborhood residents

  • Supplies for events

  • Funding for committee activities

Park Fundraiser

On the corner of 34th and Broadway, New Circle Church is providing public space for a new park. Be a part of this park's legacy by donating to the fundraiser!

Already the park has begun to take shape! Keep Indianapolis Beautiful installed a new ark playscape earlier this year. If you’ve not checked it out, you should!

Please consider donating any amount to the Mapleton-Fall Creek Neighborhood Association with the button below or New Circle Church.